By Amy Trombley April 20, 2023
United Way of Central Minnesota is planning to apply for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant for Cohort 9 to support our young people and families through the expansion of community learning centers that provide high-quality academic support, enrichment and youth development programs during non-school hours and summers. The grant will be available for review after it is submitted.

If you have questions, please reach out to Clarinda Solberg, Director of 21st Century Community Learning Centers at 320-229-3517.
By Amy Trombley February 23, 2020

Join us for dinner and discussion about what our community wants to support better education outcomes for our kids!

We want to start the discussion and then support parents and families in learning how to make and impact change to improve our education system for ALL kids!


If you have additional questions, please reach out to KoriAnn Carter at 708.407.5113.
By Amy Trombley February 18, 2020

Join our community on Monday, March 9 at St. Cloud State University to learn more about social/emotional skills and students in the greater St. Cloud community. Dr. Michael Rodriguez will present a profile of the 2019 Minnesota Student Survey, which tells a current story of developmental skills and supports across racial and ethnic communities, indicating that diverse youth have the social and emotional capacity to succeed. Educators and community leaders will appreciate a fresh look at the information and utility of the data. At a similar session in 2017 using the 2016 Minnesota Student Survey, over 90% of the participants felt the information and insights shared were important and useful.

Dr. Rodriguez’s presentation will enable school districts and youth-supporting agencies to create a model to help all youth overcome persistent challenges. The profiles of developmental skills (commitment to learning, positive identity, social competence), developmental supports (empowerment, teacher/school support, family/community support), and developmental challenges (bullying, mental distress, family violence) will be discussed. The discussion and information will also focus on the profiles as they differ among students from different racial (White, Black, Asian, American Indian) and ethnic (Latino, Somali, Hmong) communities, across grades 5, 8, 9, and 11, and special education and free/reduced lunch status. These profiles relate to other important outcomes including achievement based on grades, after-school activity participation, post-high school goals, and employment.

Rodriguez is a professor of quantitative methods in education with a focus on educational measurement and assessment. As the Campbell Leadership Chair, he is also the co-director of the Educational Equity Resource Center, providing leadership at the University in its interdisciplinary work addressing educational equity and achievement gaps. His research team, the Minnesota Youth Development Research Group, has conducted research on the Minnesota Student Survey for over 10 years, resulting in more than 20 national presentations on this work.

The links below provide access to a video of the 2017 presentation. 

Link to video

By Amy Trombley March 27, 2019
In February, the Board of Directors from both Partner for Student Success and United Way of Central Minnesota  unanimously voted to unify and have Partner for Student Success become the United Way Education Initiative. These two organizations have now officially joined forces and are living united, guided through true collective impact. Over the next few months, the teams from both of our organizations will work to align even more closely with a mission to unite the community in the collective pursuit of student success.
By Amy Trombley March 11, 2019

Partner for Student Success is providing FREE training through the Minnesota Literacy Council

WHO:   You or partners & adults working with our ELL Youth

WHAT:   Basic tutoring strategies will be presented with a focus on reading skills

WHEN: Tuesday, March 26, from 9 am to 12 pm.

WHERE: Southside Boys and Girls Club, 1205 6th Ave S., St. Cloud

WHY: To unite the greater St. Cloud community in the collective pursuit of student success.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in attending, please register by Friday, March 22, at this link:

Please contact Regina with any questions at:

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